Monday, August 29, 2011

NOVA's Transfer Blog Zombie Brigadoon

 Like Brigadoon, that 1950s enchanted village that appears in an Scottish glen, once every hundred years,
 NOVA's Transfer Blog pops up for an encouraging paragraph once every 16 weeks. Different from green and busy Brigadoon, though, there is no happy dancing - no interaction at all.  On November 13, 2010, someone called "Sentinel", some hopeful, wide-eyed transfer student, stumbled upon this glowing little window of a  blog in that dark, lonely wilderness of a transfer-student's journey. Rushing to it, he  hammered on the door hoping for comaraderie and comfort inside, and typed:
"Hey I'm moving to Virginia for a new job, and am interested in attending NOVA. Do you have a database of accepted course transfer equivalencies, or should I just submit my transcripts and hope for the best?"
Did anyone answer? Who knows! You'd think there'd be plenty of comments. Plenty of answers. The road is crammed with people working toward two-year degrees, the glowing Oz of "Guaranteed Admission" at one of Virginia's fine four-year institutions drawing them ever forward! Bonking shoulders, slogging on, moaning things like: "Braaaiins"  ....but often:  "Hey, where is everybody?"
That's too bad.