Thursday, August 4, 2011

BYOB and Save the Planet

Bring Your Own Bowl: Save Green and Save the Planet

You Gonna Talk the Talk? Eat the Walk.

It's Tuesday at the office and it's time for lunch. You've got to get the MacIntire paper out by 3, write something clever about medieval aquaducts, you're not sure how to spell "medieval," and you've got to finish the Conics section in Math 164. Gak! Blood sugar plummeting. Damn MacIntire! Damn amazing innovation in ancient engineering! Damn parabolas!  So, you've run downstairs to the Deli, and you're back at the Mac swabbing unagi rolls in the wasabi-soy  swilling in the corners of your gaping styrofoam clam. In the monitor's blue glow you chew, happy now...mulling MacIntire, chuckling about latus rectum, but as you do, you know something's deeply wrong...Parasitic roundworms? No. It's something you can do something about!

Bring your own bowl, box, mug, jug, pot, plate, or jorrum to lunch, and ask the Deli to tare the weight. They'll be thrilled! They'll save up to 30 cents for every non-biodegradable styrofoam cup and box you don't buy (for a rather jarring markup, you know), and you'll save the Planet and all the unagis in it.

Plus, unless you're sitting in a '78 Skylark at 3 am staking out perps, eating just about anything troweled into closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam is fishy. And not the good kind.